EUFGIS information system

This information system provides geo-referenced information on the conservation of forest genetic resources (FGR) in Europe and access to detailed data on genetic conservation units of forest trees in different countries. A genetic conservation unit is a forest stand or area that contains tree populations nationally designated for conservation of FGR. The data is provided and updated by national focal points based on pan-European minimum requirements and data standards for the units.

EUFGIS serves as a documentation platform linking national inventories on forest genetic resources in Europe. This supports the countries in their efforts to conserve forest genetic resources as part of sustainable forest management, as agreed in the context of Forest Europe.

The countries can use EUFGIS for various reporting efforts, such as the State of Europe’s Forests and the State of World’s Forest Genetic Resources reports. It can also be used for identifying gaps in genetic conservation efforts within the distribution ranges of forest trees, developing genetic conservation strategies for forest trees at pan-European level and sampling tree populations for research purposes.

Visit the EUFGIS information system